Tuesday 27 November 2012

Role Play


Using role play in teaching helps develop social skills, and helps understand interpersonal relationships and respond to others. Such activities give opportunities to students for peer interaction which in turn enhances their communication skills and social development which are a predictor of future academic and social adjustment. The role play that the students enjoyed playing went on to teach not just social skills but also problem solving and coping skills which only enhances their resilience.

This activity that I tried with this team had no girls in their team but that didn’t deter their spirits. It instead provided a strong motivation for learning to excel under the given circumstances. It helped decrease their inhibitions, increased motivation and their self-esteem. This helped build confidence and showed them that they can be successful in communicating in real life situations.

Here I just used the occasion to be creative. You can align the day or month to a current event, or a festival to a learning situation. Language can be connected to any of these activities. One just needs to unleash all creativity to it, link and create one’s own teaching style.

 Its CHRISTMAS and students are engaged in a role play for a lesson in December. It also links learning to culture and traditions - a social tone to learning.

Role playing activities are a curative for the lagging interest which can often occur during language learning.

Most importantly, this provides a memorable learning experience!


  1. 'CHRISTMAS CAROl".. Again a wonderful work under your guidance... And it was this time only few years back when we did this play... unforgettable experience...

  2. Unforgettable learning experience for all- both the performers as well as the audience. fantastic!
