Tuesday 27 November 2012

Dramatizing Poetry

The group with maximum applause and points
Dramatizing Poetry is all about the teacher using innovative ethodologies to make language learning exciting.The Rime of the Ancient Mariner- Coleridge, and The Frog and the Nightingale- Vikram Seth, are two poems in the curriculum which I have been teaching them to dramatize.

The soft spoken megha...the extra effects being provided and the 'croaker' pooja
 Students break into small groups to prepare a dramatic rendition of the poem.  I only give an introduction to the poem, its background and then do a model reading of the poem. Then I let them use their imagination to make a presentation before the class. They are permitted to use props, music, costumes, sets, posters, models - anything at all, in a given space and time.

Imagination of the students knows no  bounds!

This informal assessment promotes creativity and oral language.This enables the students to explore their linguistic and conceptual aspects.

Amazing performance by the team!

Masked to make a mark!
Dramatizing the poem”  will result in a great outcome in being able to drive home the idea and bring out meanings from what is taught. As a teacher, I facilitated comprehension of plot, idioms, cultural aspects. During this learning process, I  as a teacher, succeeded in stimulating their interest and conversation and in the process  triggered a student participatory language learning experience. This methodology attracted and affected by a new way of presenting the lesson, got them engaged in learning  they will never forget the various skills learnt in the process.. This would make learning very effective and interesting. Certain poems and lessons perfectly fit for dramatization, so why not use it?  




  1. It was an amazing experience for us. bahut maza aya. it was fun and we were also learning the whole poem. such a lengthy poem but learnt it easily due to this activity. perfect it was. we enjoyed making props, sets, background music. and mam it was a wonderful experience.

  2. it was the most amazing role play ever! I felt i was born to'croak'. and we even played 'my heart will go on' song from titanic in the background to accentuate the overall presentation and guess what.... it worked. it was awesome. every one liked it so much. i will never forget it and those were the best days of my life. dramatizing poetry taught me to put forth that part of me which was not a very impressive on usual days. i learnt that you can still make the most ingsignificant character in a play or poem the most impt one with one's perfomance. thanks a ton heemal mam.cheerios xoxo.

  3. it was a great learning experience and a great platform for show casing our other talents of our own personality. it was impt to me as it a team work and we need to work towards coordination and all the members of our team were not exactly our friends and usual team mates. i learnt to work with a new group and made friends and it helped me to recognize my own weaknesses and strengths and improve on them. it was a very new and authentic learning experience.probably the most awesome days of my school life. will never forget them. thanks a lot for the ideas of dramatizing it. and helping us bloom in this way. X E rocked

  4. okay,I guess I need to write down my name..:P........but the day we did "The Dear Departed".........is unforgettable.I wore a dress!,....like a proper dress.....and that is what drama is all about.,.I mean I got out of my comfort zone.....improvised on stage ans literally rocked:)......one of the best experiences ever!!!
    -pooja goel

  5. pooja you rocked really. learning all those lines and i can understand you had the maximum lines to say and so difficult. but you were natural. infact you people's casting itsself was very apt. every performance was a learning experience and you all only got better with every performance!!!god bless you all for your enthu, for your cooperation, for your willingness to break the mould and for your faith in my methodology of teaching.

  6. another wonderful example like dramatic inquiry..!! amazing! such acts bring together students of different mental abilities...i know this involves a lot of brainstorming sessions, fights and arguements but the end product is a visual treat for the audience..once again it brings out the hidden talents in the students which is extremely important for their overall development.

  7. and we all have GOT to thank Heemal ma'am for that:)
    she brings out the best of us..and a lifetime of gratitude for making us have a blast at every step of learning!!!!1
    U inspire us.....motivete us,........especially wid that brilliant 1000 megawatt smile of yours:)
