Wednesday 28 November 2012


It was  fun learning all the way!

No elaborate words are required - again just like being with them and being there for them when they want my help. What gives me satisfaction at the end of the day are those smiles and kind words of appreciation said with gratitude.ALL SMILES - This is one photograph I cherish always.

A beautiful smile is the biggest 'Trophy"

It is nice to have complied and calculated the number of students that I have taught in my entire career and the number touches close to 28000. An Amazing WOW that I could turn in so much during my career. Children wherever you are- Its nice to feel that I have made a difference for you, left a mark or have been some kind of nice influence in your lives that you will be using them today. God Bless and its my sincere wish that you may excel more.!

Santa and Me!
There have been times when I have not really needed to find a reason to make my students smile.The greatest joy comes from seeing them happy and smiling. The Annual Day rhehersals were on. It had been a tiring day. It was 24rth Decemeber and we were all exhausted, but there seemed no respite from the  rigorously practise. It was then, that I got the costume and secretly dressed up as Santa, carried lots of chocolates in my bag and gave everyone a surprise!! Wow! What a surprise it turned out to be!!! Hell broke loose! Everyone was happy and SMILING.How could anyone get angry at SANTA?

"Chocolates for everyone- all I want is a smile please "
Teachers and students remember that day till date. Making people smile was the biggest gift I could give on that day and  hope the Santa in me keeps it going always.

The fact tht I  can plant a seed and it becomes a flower, share a bit of knowledge and it becomes another's, smile at someone and receive a smile in return are to  me  continual happiness- personified! 


  1. If we need to learn hw to make ppl smile dn you r only the right person to learn dis..... Hats Off to you Mrs. Heemal Handoo..

  2. beta, even you all greatly responsible for my smile all the while. i have mentioned this many times to you all.

  3. mam....yes,it's made us smile many times...and i wish that i get to spend more time with you and have a wonderful experience...
