Wednesday 13 November 2013

Random thoughts:

So how does one celebrate children's day???

Children don't want to be called children....

How do we celebrate childhood? Children are impatiently waiting to step into adulthood ...

Waiting to fulfil their dreams and overcome hopes and fears

As a child I would love to celebrate the day. It was the day when there would be no teaching and only playing [and officially!] No one would reprimand us. We would be spoken to with wide smiles and our impish adventures were all forgiven on that day. Then we would get a toffee from the class teacher … or a colourful balloon from the principal. Such simple gifts, but they meant a lot to us. The assembly hall would be packed with balloons and some would explode and then there would be giggling and laughs… it was… funny and memorable.. Today I look back and then realise no teacher would dare give a toffee to their student today! Or even a balloon…. Just imagine the look on their faces…. Celebrating children’s day has become difficult. Whatever we do …as teachers… we fall short of their expectations..

lets help them and not discourage their blossoming dreams to the ground

lets not treat them like dirt and without respect

lets not abuse their innocence

lets not force them to live with so much of anguish and hard work

lets not dispirit their talents

lets show acceptance of different perspectives[theirs]

lets be more tolerant to their questions and pace of learning

lets not forget that they are the ones who will change our future

lets not forget that they need our love care and help all the while
 let them know that this is ‘Children's day.'

Let us……let them ……know every day is Children’s day.

So please share with me what according to you would be an ideal celebration on children’s day.

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