Monday 22 April 2013

Random Thoughts

' Missing you.....'

It scares me

Family Bonding is a  precarious thin thread.

Relationships only exist on fb

Relations visiting each other is sacrilegious-

“How could they even think of coming to pay a visit??”

“Don’t they know today is a Sunday??”

“MY holiday and tomorrow is the kids Unit Test??”

‘Relations’  have been cast on to a ‘ship’

I meet my friends more often than my cousins or bros and sisters

I miss my cousins

I miss my childhood

I miss  my nani [as she made sure we all found time to bond]

I miss those days when there was no time set for ‘playtime’

 I miss their attention, love

I miss their asking me something

I miss our sharing and caring

I miss our girlish giggles

I miss listening to grievances and acknowledging concerns

I miss the chilling out and spending time together

I miss the emotional bonding

I miss all that and much more

Those were the days my friend!

As the years pass by

I see them grow and go their separate ways

I see them grow ambitious and independent

I see them grow… away …

But that bonding feeling---does stay

Time goes so fast, we don’t see it pass

Before we know it we are breathing our last.

Those were the ONLY days my friends.




  1. That is one really emotional poem ma' mother just read it and she says "it's pretty realistic". Maybe she misses her childhood too:P

  2. yes dear. its written from my own experience and something that we would all relate to. each one of us. when will you share ur poetry???
